The System Admin
Let’s put all the components from Part1, Part2, and Part3 together and execute the PowerShell script to see what will happens and how the Telegram Messenger client can interact with PowerShell Telegram Bot. Note...
This post is a continuum to Part one and Part Two. The focus of this post is adding a basic security condition for the Telegram bot and the challenges during communicating with the bot using...
This post is a continuum to Part one, in which I describe how to create the Telegram Chatbot and check the pending messages. This post will be a bit detailed, so beginners can get...
Telegram is not just a messenger, it’s one of the features-overstaffed applications. One exciting feature are the bots and the API which gives a real easy-to-do integration. This 4-part series tutorial tasks you through...
The Problem One of the biggest challenges for sysadmins and the security team is the open share and sharing permission, where domain users have full Read/Write/Delete Access to a folder in the server. I am not...
Moving Exchange Mailbox from on-premises Exchange to Exchange Online seems an easy step if the hybrid wizard ware configured correctly. Users on-premises should only have an accepted domain in the SMTP addresses for a...
Citrix Virtual Desktop provides a nice experience for both users and administrators, with a lot of enhanced features. The communication between the client VM (VDA) and the server infrastructure is mandatory for a health...
In Exchange Online, Microsoft has a new group named Microsoft 365 Group, which has a better contribution and integration with other Microsoft services. The Microsft 365 accepts members based on two methods: Dynamic User:...
Exchange online migration from an on-premise Exchange might be a simple task. You can use the web interface. It is amicable and easy to use, plus there is an option to import users via...
Exchange Database growth is something that should be planned properly. Sometimes databases start to grow rapidly over the others, a proper Local Mailbox Redistribution should be performed to maintain the load. This script EXMB-Planner...