This post takes you through Microsoft Azure Active Directory Conditional Access policies using the PowerShell Graph SDK module.

If you are new to the Graph module, go first and read the introductory post on Understanding Microsoft Graph SDK PowerShell


You need to have the proper required permission on Azure Active Directory, usually a global admin.

Also, you need to download PowerShell Module for Graph SDK

Commands to Use to Read Conditional Access.

To access and read the Conditional Access policies, we need to find the required cmdlet.

Get-Command -Name get*conditionalaccess*

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Get-MgDeviceManagementConditionalAccessSetting     1.9.6      Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Enrolme…
Function        Get-MgDeviceManagementExchangeOnPremisPolicyCondi… 1.9.6      Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Adminis…
Function        Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessAuthenticationCont… 1.9.6      Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns
Function        Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessNamedLocation       1.9.6      Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns
Function        Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy              1.9.6      Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns

We will need the Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy

The next step is defining the required scope to use it in the connection.

PS C:\> (Find-MgGraphCommand -Command Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy)[0].permissions

Name            IsAdmin Description                       FullDescription
----            ------- -----------                       ---------------
Policy.Read.All True    Read your organization's policies Allows the app to read your organization's policies on your behalf.

The conditional access policies usually contain users, groups and applications too, I will include also additional scopes as the following

PS C:\> $Scope=@('Policy.Read.All','User.Read.All','Group.Read.All','')
PS C:\> Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $Scope

Accept the required permission to connect.

Accept the permission

Reading Conditional Access policies

After a connection, we need to get the conditional access policies by using the Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy

PS C:\> Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy

Id                                   CreatedDateTime      Description DisplayName ModifiedDateTime     State
--                                   ---------------      ----------- ----------- ----------------     -----
38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f 08-Jun-22 5:36:15 AM             PolicyA     08-Jun-22 6:43:30 AM enabledForRepor…

To read this policy property we can specify the policy ID like the following

PS C:\> Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f | fl

Conditions           : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphConditionalAccessConditionSet1
CreatedDateTime      : 08-Jun-22 5:36:15 AM
Description          :
DisplayName          : PolicyA
GrantControls        : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphConditionalAccessGrantControls
Id                   : 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f
ModifiedDateTime     : 08-Jun-22 6:43:30 AM
SessionControls      : Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphConditionalAccessSessionControls1
State                : enabledForReportingButNotEnforced
AdditionalProperties : {[@odata.context,

The easy part is to get the DisplayName, as it’s listed with no complication.

To get a list of users on which the policy was applied to use the following line.

Most of the important properties are part of the Conditions object which include

  • Applications
  • ClientApplications
  • ClientAppTypes
  • Devices
  • Locations
  • PlatformsSignInRiskLevels
  • UserRiskLevels
  • Users

Reading Conditional Access Users using PowerShell Graph

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.Users

ExcludeGroups ExcludeRoles ExcludeUsers IncludeGroups                          IncludeRoles IncludeUsers
------------- ------------ ------------ -------------                          ------------ ------------
{}            {}           {}           {d5b88427-5096-4247-a901-45d61faa3c43} {}           {7adf1ccb-826f-44c7-b19d-df2899c1e864, 8f891764-4a1e-4074-8bee-71d32c7d…

The IncludedUsers are represented by the user GUID, and to get the proper username for this GUID we need to use Get-MGUser and pass the GUID as a parameter.

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.Users.IncludeUsers | ForEach-Object {Get-MgUser -UserId $_}

Id                                   DisplayName Mail UserPrincipalName                         UserType
--                                   ----------- ---- -----------------                         --------
7adf1ccb-826f-44c7-b19d-df2899c1e864 UserB  
8f891764-4a1e-4074-8bee-71d32c7d37c1 UserC  
ab62251f-7466-4e64-ac2f-eee7a45de754 UserA  

If you connect without using the User.Read.All scope, you get the following error

Get-MgApplication_Get1: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.

Reading Conditional Access Groups using PowerShell Graph

To get the name of the groups that are assigned to conditional access policies use the following line

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.Users.IncludeGroups | ForEach-Object {Get-MgGroup -GroupId $_}

Id                                   DisplayName    Description GroupTypes
--                                   -----------    ----------- ----------
d5b88427-5096-4247-a901-45d61faa3c43 Internal Admin             {}

Reading Applications using PowerShell Graph

The following line of code shows the list of assigned Cloud Applications in the Conditional Access policies

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.Applications

ExcludeApplications IncludeApplications                               IncludeAuthenticationContextClassReferences IncludeUserActions
------------------- -------------------                               ------------------------------------------- ------------------
{}                  {a3868bcb-44aa-4341-9d47-cba3fb23f280, Office365} {}                                          {}

As shown in the output, the IncludedApplications include Office365 and an application presented by the application id. To find this application we use the following cmdlet Get-MgApplication

PS C:\Users\rescu> Get-MgApplication -All -Filter "AppId eq 'a3868bcb-44aa-4341-9d47-cba3fb23f280'"

Id                                   DisplayName AppId                                SignInAudience PublisherDomain
--                                   ----------- -----                                -------------- ---------------
51641d13-32a5-415d-bd82-28a415bde99a webapp      a3868bcb-44aa-4341-9d47-cba3fb23f280 AzureADMyOrg

But since we did not specify the Application.Read.All in the scope we get an

Let’s add the application to the scope and try again.

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes

Accept the permission and rerun the line

Run the following line to get the application name

PS C:\> Get-MgApplication -All -Filter "AppId eq 'a3868bcb-44aa-4341-9d47-cba3fb23f280'"

Id                                   DisplayName AppId                                SignInAudience PublisherDomain
--                                   ----------- -----                                -------------- ---------------
51641d13-32a5-415d-bd82-28a415bde99a webapp      a3868bcb-44aa-4341-9d47-cba3fb23f280 AzureADMyOrg

Read User Risk, Platforms, Location, and Client apps

Use the following command to get the user risk levels

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.UserRiskLevels

To get the device platforms use the following line

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.Platforms

ExcludePlatforms IncludePlatforms
---------------- ----------------
{}               {iOS, windowsPhone}

To get conditional access location conditions use the following line

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.locations

ExcludeLocations IncludeLocations
---------------- ----------------
{}               {AllTrusted}

Reading the IncludeLocations only, use the

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.locations.IncludeLocations

To get the Condition Access Client application type which ########

PS C:\> (Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId 38ee93a3-c921-471e-b4d4-fa0cd452187f).Conditions.ClientAppTypes

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